This reminds me of a classic line I first heard on Bewitched: "Touch what and go where?". In this case the answer is touch your wallet and go to your nearest record store. If your local record store does not stock this and other quality Touch and Go titles, please instruct them politely but firmly to order Touch and Go product immediately.
The fi is higher than ever before, and this is a most welcome development. New electronic sounds and effects and a few new guitar licks give this release a very fresh and exciting sound. Also in evidence are somewhat more complex bass lines, which are given a little more attention than usual in the arrangements and the mix. The mix sounds a little too compressed, but maybe it just seems that way to me because I heard and saw MOAM in a very dynamic live performance a few days before buying this disc. In any case, I found this problem was easily solved by playing the disc VERY LOUDLY.
This is one of the two or three best tracks on this disc and on the current tour. A new and very powerful sound. Live, they hit the accents alot harder and it just shreds!
fig. 2Cool! MOAM is channeling REM before they started to suck, but with more edge. Kind of like Live (the band), only better.
fig. 3On the disc, this track shows MOAM developing a sense of atmosphere in the context of an overtly musical song. Previously, MOAM had made a number of highly succesful experiments in creating sonic atmospheres in the form of concrete compositions which are sometimes called "noise" tracks.
fig. 4Yeeehaa! Classic MOAM in every way. Anchored on an infectuous surf riff and surrounded by all of those unique touches that elevate a track from a good surf tune to a great MOAM song.
fig. 5The most dramatic divergence from the "classic" MOAM sound. It is a good song and a good sound, but very dark. With repeated listenings I have grown to like this one quite alot, but I must admit that I initially found it hard to accept. My first impression was that this must be a cover tune, but there is no credit on the package to that effect. There are so many brooding Gen-X bands out there that take themselves waaay too seriously; I really hope MOAM isn't going to join that crowd. This experiment was a good demonstration of the versatility of MOAM, but I certainly hope they don't spend too much time walking this well-beaten path.
Update: Y'know, the more I hear it, the more I like it. This is the one on this disc that tends to get stuck in my head the most.
fig. 6I don't dislike this track, but something is slightly lacking in comparison to other songs. But hey, they can't all be the best song, right? Maybe the hook just isn't strong enough, or perhaps it needs more development. A few spins on stage and this one may become something more compelling. Just turning it WAY UP makes a big difference.
fig. 7Wow! A really great track. This was even better as the opening number when I saw them live. The only problem is it needs another verse or something. It seems to end just as it gets going. MOAM has always been great about "rightsizing" their songs and never letting a good track wear out it's welcome. But this time out, I think they cut one a little too short.
My humblest apologies and appreciation to Starcrunch and Chris Bilheimer, who did the original artwork and design for the 1000X package. It seemed so well suited to a web treatment I couldn't resist making my own clumsy attempt at it. None of the original artwork was actually scanned, as is obvious from the crudity of my own versions. Someday soon I hope to render the MOAM molecule logo with POV-ray.
"Man.. or ASTRO-man?" and numerous typographical variants on the same name as well as the names of the band members are the copyrighted property of "Man... or ASTRO-man?" 1997.
This page is intended as "fan" or "tribute" page and is not intended as a substitute for ASTRO-discs, the official web page or any official merchandise or event. This page is not created or operated for profit of any kind other than the prestige of having created a really cool MOAM page.